An Artist’s Common Problems

People (who aren’t artists) don’t really think that painters or any kind of artist have problems outside of buying the expensive materials. They think that artists just have it easy because all they do is paint and then get that masterpiece sold.
It’s not that easy and whoever really thinks that needs to face reality that EVERYONE has it hard.
Artists especially have it worse. But we are not here to argue about who has it the worst and who has it easy. Every job is the same and you can’t change our minds. Painters have a lot of issues and problems when it comes to their career as one. Some of them come from the financial instability itself and the state of their mind. What? You think being a painter is all sunshine and daisies? Remember that one famous guy who cut off his own ear? Yeah, exactly.
Thinking that your art isn’t good enough
There are a lot of artists in the world. There are so many different kinds of art work too, from the oldest to the most recent. Some come from different ages and that makes it easy to start comparing yourself to others. It’s very easy to start feeling like your own art isn’t good enough after seeing someone else’s.

Nobody is purchasing your art work
When you are actually proud of what you made, it doesn’t mean that everyone else thinks they’re good as well. That sucks for the most part. They don’t want to buy the art work that you made with so much passion and time-wasting. Of course it can affect you so much.
Not having a plan for your business
People will claim that being an artist isn’t really a real job. It’s hard to make a business that centres around your art career too. Sometimes it’s discouraging to start a business that concerns your art when you keep seeing all these art galleries take advantages of its artists.
Got the wrong target audience
This can happen more often than you would think. Most of the time, the reason why the art work isn’t received as how you’d hope is because you have pitched it to the wrong audience. Pick the right type of audience that you want your art to be sold to.
Not enough of a presence online and in social media
These days, we can rely on the internet to get paid for out art. We get to do commissions and such. It isn’t as difficult as it was back then because now, communication has never been so easy. The hard part is having people actually LOOK at your account on social media. There are a lot of artists like you out there. It’s difficult to keep up and if you don’t have enough followers, then it’s less like you could even get paid to do something.
Nobody is supporting your art career
Being a painter isn’t a career out parents would want for us. It isn’t a guarantee of a luxurious life, after all. So if you were stubborn enough to pursue it, you might find yourself not being supported by them when you finally make it big. That’s probably the most harrowing issue as an artist.